Deputy Speaker Expresses Concern Over Media Reports on UNGA Delegation

2 min readOct 19, 2023


Deputy Speaker Expresses Concern Over Media Reports on UNGA Delegation

Uganda’s delegation to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was carefully determined based on the session’s agenda and the government’s desire to effectively represent the country and influence policy outcomes, according to a statement by the Third Deputy Prime Minister, Rukia Nakadamia, presented in the House on October 18, 2023. She refuted media reports suggesting a delegation size of 71 as false and misleading.

Nakadamia stressed the significance of Uganda’s presence at the UNGA meetings, emphasizing that the General Assembly serves as a unique platform for discussing a wide range of international issues. Uganda’s active participation in debates and bilateral meetings was seen as crucial.

During the UNGA sessions, Uganda highlighted its progress in implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and reaffirmed its commitment to poverty reduction, gender equality, inclusive development, and regional peace and security. The country also contributed its perspectives to discussions on health, refugees, climate change, and UN reforms, among other topics.

The Deputy Speaker, Thomas Tayebwa, expressed concern about the media reports and referred to it as a public relations crisis. He advised the government to respond promptly to such allegations to prevent further public speculation.

Kitgum’s District Woman MP, Lillian Aber, emphasized the importance of representation abroad and suggested that the delegation’s size should not be a source of concern. Instead, she urged the government to provide timely and accurate information to the media to prevent misinformation.

Bufumbira East MP, Nsaba Buturo, blamed the media for lacking thorough research and encouraged the government to engage with the media to emphasize the importance of well-researched stories in defending Uganda’s interests.




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